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By trinitylegacy 14 Sep, 2020
When seeking assistance in creating a financial or retirement plan, it is essential to understand the differences between goal-based financial planning and planning that relies on detailed cash-flow projections. The type of financial planning provided by advisors typically depends on the software they use, and the results of their analysis and recommendations can vary. Two […]
By trinitylegacy 23 Jul, 2020
Investing can seem daunting and overwhelming. Schools and colleges rarely offer classes on investing if you are not a business major, so it can be difficult to deposit your hard earned money into an investment account and have the confidence to endure the market fluctuations. One way to begin learning about investing is by reading […]
By trinitylegacy 18 Jun, 2020
Early retirement is a common financial goal that requires careful consideration of covering healthcare expenses before age 65 when Medicare eligibility typically begins. The cost of a severe illness or accident can devastate a retirement nest egg without adequate health insurance coverage.  Health insurance premiums have increased significantly since the passage of the Affordable Care […]
By trinitylegacy 21 May, 2020
You may have recently received an inheritance or annual bonus at work and now have a little extra money in the bank, and are wondering what to do with it. Consider having cash an excellent “problem” to have, and be aware of the possible options for holding cash besides a savings account. First, you should […]
By trinitylegacy 28 Feb, 2020
In addition to coping with the grief of losing a loved one, family members are often responsible for the various financial and administrative tasks that must be done on behalf of the deceased. Death of a loved one can be overwhelming and may result in family members spending months digging through drawers and file cabinets […]
By trinitylegacy 24 Jan, 2020
President Trump recently passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019 which is the first major retirement regulation in over a decade.  Intended to strengthen retirement security for Americans, the bill includes changes to traditional IRAs, required minimum distributions, and more.  We at Trinity Legacy Partners want to make you […]
By trinitylegacy 27 Aug, 2019
According to the National Social Security Association LLC, more than 90% of Social Security recipients receive less money than they are entitled to.  Failure to maximize Social Security Benefits can represent tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of dollars in lost retirement benefits; however, the rules governing Social Security income are complex and […]
By trinitylegacy 27 Aug, 2019
While there are several factors to consider, including income tax considerations, converting a traditional IRA or employer-sponsored retirement account to a Roth can be an effective strategy for many individuals. While there are income limitations on direct contributions to a Roth IRA, anyone can convert a traditional IRA (or other eligible retirement plan asset) to […]
By trinitylegacy 03 May, 2019
Since employers are increasingly including a Roth 401(k) option as part of their defined contribution plan, employees should consider potential benefits of using the Roth 401(k) option instead of contributing to a traditional 401(k). Much like a Roth IRA, a Roth 401(k) can provide tax-free income during retirement. Roth contributions are made with after-tax dollars […]
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